Build a Property Database

and Respond to RFIs with AI

Create a comprehensive, AI-enhanced buildings and sites database. Automate tasks, save time, and respond to RFIs with speed and confidence.

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Sitehunt Features

Discover how Sitehunt simplifies your workflow and enhances your productivity.


Property Database

Create detailed property profiles that go beyond traditional real estate listings.

  • Dozens of adaptive categories and 400+ of the most common site selector questions
  • Over 1,000 data points for in-depth analysis
  • Comprehensive AI-powered insights, designed to automate and accelerate your data collection.

Expedite RFIs

Our AI-enhanced software empowers you to respond with speed and confidence.

  • Import RFI documents and automatically find answers using existing site data.
  • Site suitability scoring for the perfect site-project match.
  • RFI response and submission tracking.

Public Property Directory

Amplify your property’s visibility with a public directory, and help site selectors find the right property for their project.

  • Seamlessly integrate on your website or a dedicated microsite
  • Enhanced search tools to find the right property quickly
  • Comprehensive property information
  • Demographic, housing, workforce, and childcare reports

Marketing Automation

Enhance your marketing efforts with AI-assisted tools that streamline content creation, making your properties stand out effortlessly and efficiently.

  • AI-generated features list and property descriptions to boost your marketing
  • Access dozens of flyer and social media templates that are automatically populated with property information
  • Graphic design editor to further customize and personalize templates

Detailed Property Spec Sheets

Create easy, comprehensive, yet concise multi-page property summaries that effectively highlight all key details and features of the property.

  • Perfect for emailing to site selectors and businesses, ensuring detailed information is conveyed
  • Print or view digitally for quick and convenient sharing
  • Detailed and professional presentation that highlights key property features and benefits

Demographics and Community Insights

Integrate comprehensive demographic and economic data into property profiles to provide a richer, more informed view of the community.

  • Generate comprehensive reports on demographics, workforce, childcare, and housing
  • Easily view and print in-depth community reports for better decision-making
  • Enhance property profiles with contextual community data for a more complete presentation

Learning Center

With the support of our extensive learning center and comprehensive guidance tools, you'll have everything you need to succeed.

  • Detailed help text for every question
  • Resources to help you find answers
  • Built-in guidance to master real estate terminology

AI Automation

Save time, accelerate property data collection, and leverage AI-driven analysis

  • Instantly create a site profile with GPS coordinates and auto-fill details like acres, square feet, and price
  • Generate street view photos, property maps, and comprehensive AI insights for in-depth property listings
  • Automatic marketing collateral and actionable answers from property listings, flyers, and photos
How it Works


This tool has tremendous potential to help all of us.


Our challenge is that we often receive requests with less than a two-day turnaround. So, having all that information in one spot is key.


It could be a game-changer for us.


This program can transform our office from a pile of flyers into an organized system.


I think this is exactly what our committee was looking for!


That's pretty cool. I mean, it takes so much labor out of the process.

Dane Carlson

Created by Dane Carlson

Hi, I'm Dane Carlson, an economic developer, writer, podcaster, and entrepreneur in Houston, Texas.

I run the Econ Dev Show – a podcast, email newsletter, and blog of actionable strategies, fresh news, insights, and ideas for the economic development community.

After years of struggling to understand available buildings and sites, and dealing with the dreaded RFIs, I decided to create Sitehunt in late 2023. Responding to RFIs was always a last-minute scramble, making me question why I even bothered due to the immense work and minimal reward.

Sitehunt was my solution, designed, developed, and coded with the support of my wife and children.